Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

19. Countershaft Assemble

Countershaft Assemble

Notice: Various transmission components require heating to 150°C (300°F) for 30 minutes for proper installation. Overheating may damage the components. Under-heating the components may cause hard installation, which may damage the components.

Important: Certain transmission components require preheating to 150°C (300°F). In order to preheat the components use an electric oven. It is recommended to purchase a roaster/oven style locally. The oven should have a temperature setting thermostat.

1. Preheat the countershaft intermediate bearing and the countershaft front bearing for 30 minutes to 150°C (300°F) in an electric oven.

Caution: Refer to Proper Handling of Preheated Components Caution in Service Precautions.

2. Wearing protective gloves, install the preheated countershaft intermediate case bearing on the countershaft. Rotate the bearing in order to seat fully and squarely.

Caution: Refer to Proper Handling of Preheated Components Caution in Service Precautions.

3. Wearing protective gloves install the preheated countershaft front bearing on the countershaft. Rotate the bearing in order to seat fully squarely.
4. Allow the bearings to cool before further installation of the countershaft.