Windshield - Water Dripping Into Interior From Top
File In Section: 08 Body and AccessoriesBulletin No.: 01-08-57-004
Date: October, 2001
WaterLeak at Top of Windshield (Seal Pinhole)
1999-2002 Chevrolet and GMC M/L-Van Models
Some customers may comment that there is water dripping from the top of the windshield.
A large amount of water may be able to enter the vehicle through small holes in the body seam sealer
The water may be entering from a pinhole in the body seam sealer at the upper "A" pillar. Refer to the illustration above.
The water may also be entering from a pinhole in the body seam sealer at the "B" pillar and then runs forward to the windshield. Refer to the illustrations above.
1. The affected surface must be clean, dry and free of dirt or contaminants. Clean the surface with one of the cleaners listed below, or equivalent.
^ 3M(R) General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner, P/N 08984
^ Dominion Sure Seal, Sure Solve BSS
^ Kent Acrosol
2. Fill the pinhole(s) with a clear seam sealer.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.