42. Camshaft and Bearings Clean and Inspect
Camshaft and Bearings Cleaning and Inspection^ Tools Required
- J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator
1. Using a soft cloth and clean solvent, clean the camshaft. Do not scratch the camshaft bearing journals or lobes.
Caution: Refer to Safety Glasses Caution in Service Precautions.
2. Using compressed air, dry the camshaft.
3. Using a soft cloth and clean solvent, clean the camshaft bearing inserts. Do not scratch the camshaft bearing inserts.
4. Inspect the camshaft for cracks using the Magnaflux Spot-check dye method or the equivalent.
5. Inspect the camshaft for the following conditions:
^ Scoring (1)
^ Nicks (1)
^ Worn camshaft lobes (2)
^ Damaged sprocket bolt threads (3)
^ Damaged sprocket pin (4)
^ Damage caused by lack of lubrication
6. Inspect the camshaft bearing inserts for the Following conditions:
^ Scoring
^ Nicks
^ Damage caused by lack of lubrication
7. Inspect the camshaft retainer plate for damage.
8. Using a suitable measuring device, measure the camshaft journal diameter and taper in several places, approximately 90 degrees apart.
9. Measure for a bent camshaft or excessive camshaft runout using J 7872.
9.1. Mount the camshaft in V-blocks at camshaft journals one and five.
9.2. Using the J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator, measure camshaft journal runout at camshaft journal three.
10. Replace the camshaft if runout exceeds specifications.