Drive Belt: Service and Repair
Drive Belt ReplacementRemoval Procedure
1. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
^ Mass Airflow (MAP) sensor (1)
^ Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor (2)
2. Loosen the clamp at the air cleaner.
3. Remove the air cleaner bolts.
4. Remove the air cleaner.
5. Loosen the clamp (2) at the throttle body (1).
6. Remove the air cleaner duct (3).
7. Remove the coolant recovery reservoir bolt.
8. Reposition the coolant recover reservoir to the side.
9. Install a breaker bar to the belt tensioner.
10. Rotate the belt tensioner clockwise in order to relieve tension on the drive belt.
11. If equipped with Air Conditioning (A/C), remove the drive belt (1) from the pulleys and the tensioner.
12. If equipped without A/C, remove the drive belt (2) from the pulleys and the tensioner.
13. Slowly release the tension on the belt tensioner.
14. Remove the breaker bar from the belt tensioner.
15. Clean and inspect the belt surfaces of all the pulleys.
Installation Procedure
1. Route the drive belt around all the pulleys, except the tensioner.
2. Install a breaker bar to the belt tensioner.
3. Rotate the belt tensioner clockwise in order to relieve tension on the tensioner.
4. If equipped without A/C, install the drive belt (2) over the tensioner.
5. If equipped with A/C, install the drive belt (1) over the tensioner.
6. Slowly release the tension on the drive belt tensioner.
7. Remove the breaker bar from the belt tensioner.
8. Inspect the drive belt for proper Installation and alignment.
9. Position the coolant recover reservoir to the correct location.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
10. Install the coolant recovery reservoir bolt.
^ Tighten the coolant recovery reservoir bolt to 11 Nm (97 inch lbs.).
11. Install the air cleaner duct (3).
12. Tighten the clamp (2) at the throttle body (1).
^ Tighten the air cleaner duct clamp to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.).
13. Install the air cleaner.
14. Install the air cleaner bolts.
^ Tighten the air cleaner bolts to 10 Nm (89 inch lbs.).
15. Tighten the clamp at the air cleaner.
^ Tighten the air cleaner duct clamp to 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.).
16. Connect the following electrical connectors:
^ MAP sensor (1)
^ IAT sensor (2)