Ignition Lock Cylinder and Housing
IGNITION LOCK CYLINDER AND HOUSINGThe ignition lock cylinder is located at the upper right side of the steering column. The PASSLOCK sensor is in the steering column. The PASSLOCK sensor is separate from the key and lock cylinder. The key and the lock cylinder work together in order to determine if the proper ignition key was used to start the vehicle.
In the event of an open Class 2 serial data line between the BCM and the VCM/PCM, the vehicle will become fail-enabled if the VCM/PCM has already received the password from the BCM for that ignition cycle, the engine is running. In this event, the following conditions occur:
- The security telltale will be ON continuously.
- The VCM/PCM will become fail-enabled for future ignition cycles.
If a failure in the Class 2 serial data line occurs before the ignition cycle, when the VCM/PCM is not fail-enabled, the following conditions occur:
- The VCM/PCM will never receive a valid password in order to enable the fuel injectors.
- The vehicle will not start.
The ignition lock cylinder performs all of the functions of a lock cylinder on a non PK3+ equipped vehicle. The ignition lock cylinder for vehicles with PK3+ may be located on the steering column or on the instrument panel. In either location the exciter coils surround the ignition lock cylinder such that they are very close to the head of the key which contains the transponder pellet.
If an ignition lock cylinder is replaced, the PK3+ keys must match the mechanical coding of the new lock cylinder. When replacing an ignition lock cylinder, and new PK3+ keys are required, refer to Programming Theft Deterrent System Components.