Theft Systems
THEFT SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONThe theft deterrent system on this vehicle is comprised of 2 separate systems, the vehicle theft deterrent (VTD) system and the content theft deterrent (CTD) system. The VTD system prevents drive away theft by keeping the vehicle from starting. The CTD system is the vehicle alarm system which discourages unauthorized entry into the vehicle. These system are described and diagnosed separately.
The SECURITY Telltale on the message center is controlled by both the VTD system and the CTD system. The SECURITY telltale is a part of the reconfigurable message center on the instrument cluster. The SECURITY telltale is controlled by the body control module through the class 2 data line.
The VTD system contained in the BCM commands the instrument cluster to control the SECURITY telltale only when the ignition switch is ON. The VTD system uses the telltale as a malfunction indicator.
Theft Lock Radio (If Applicable)
Refer to Diagnostic Starting Point - Radio, Stereo and Compact Disc.
VTD Description and Operation
Refer to Vehicle Theft Deterrent (VTD) Description and Operation for the appropriate description and operation.