65. Camshaft Installation
Camshaft Installation1. Apply clean engine oil GM P/N 1234561 U (Canadian P/N 993193) or equivalent, or engine oil supplement GM P/N 1052367 (Canadian P/N 992367) or equivalent, to the following components:
^ The engine camshaft lobes
^ The camshaft bearing journals
^ The camshaft bearings
^ The distributor drive gear
2. Install three 5/16-18 x 4.0 inch bolts into the engine camshaft front bolt holes.
Notice: All camshaft journals are tire same diameter, so care must be used in removing or installing the camshaft to avoid damage to the camshaft bearings.
3. Use the bolts as a handle in order to install the engine camshaft.
4. Remove the 3 bolts from the front of the engine camshaft.
5. If reusing the fasteners, apply threadlock GM P/N 12345382 (Canadian P/N 10953489) or equivalent, to the threads of the camshaft retainer bolts.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
6. Install the camshaft retainer and bolts
^ Tighten the camshaft retainer bolts to 12 Nm (106 inch lbs.).