12. Intake Manifold Removal
Intake Manifold Removal
1. Remove the vacuum plug (513), if required.
2. Remove the throttle body nuts (503).
3. Remove the throttle body (502) and gasket (501).
4. Remove the studs (504), if required.
5. Remove the fuel injection fuel rail bolts/studs.
6. Remove the fuel injection fuel rail with injectors.
7. Remove the intake manifold bolts.
8. Important: Do not attempt to loosen the manifold by prying under the gasket surface with any tool.
Remove the intake manifold.
9. Important: The intake manifold gaskets are not reusable.
Remove and discard the intake manifold side gaskets.
10. Remove and discard the intake manifold end seals.
11. Important: The splash shield is secured using a snap-in fit. Do not distort the splash shield. The splash shield is reusable.
Remove the splash shield.