Scan Tool Data Definitions
8-Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays an 8 digit number which indicates the GM part number of the module.
No. of Fobs Programmed: The scan tool displays 1 Fob - 4 Fobs to indicate the number of keyless entry transmitters that are programmed for the system.
Calibration ID: The scan tool displays a 4 digit number which indicates the calibration ID number of the module.
Invalid Transmitter: The scan tool displays More Than 10 or Less Than 10 which indicates how many times an invalid transmitter has been used in the vicinity of the vehicle.
Key Fob 1 Low Voltage: The scan tool displays counts which indicates the number of times a low battery voltage level was received.
Key Fob 1 Battery Status: The scan tool displays OK to indicate a good battery voltage level was last received.
Key Fob 2 Low Voltage: The scan tool displays counts which indicates the number of times a low battery voltage level was received.
Key Fob 2 Battery Status: The scan tool displays OK to indicate a good battery voltage level was last received.
Key Fob 3 Low Voltage: The scan tool displays counts which indicates the number of times a low battery voltage level was received.
Key Fob 3 Battery Status: The scan tool displays OK to indicate a good battery voltage level was last received.
Key Fob 4 Low Voltage: The scan tool displays counts which indicates the number of times a low battery voltage level was received.
Key Fob 4 Battery Status: The scan tool displays OK to indicate a good battery voltage level was last received.
Key Pressed on Fob: The scan tool displays Dr. Door Unlock, Door Lock, All Door Unlock, Rear Release, or Alarm indicating which keyless entry transmitter button was last pressed.
Last Fob Used: The scan tool displays Fob 1-Fob 4 which indicates the number of the last keyless entry transmitter used.
Left Side Front Access Panel: The scan tool displays On or Off to indicate the current state of the access panel output driver.
Left Side RearAccess Panel: The scan tool displays On or Off to indicate the current state of the access panel output driver.
Right Side Rear Access Panel: The scan tool displays On or Off to indicate the current state of the access panel output driver.
PROM ID: The scan tool displays a 4 digit number which indicates the ID number of the PROM associated with the module.