Engine Oil: Service and Repair
Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle.
2. Place a suitable container under the oil pan to drain the oil into.
3. Remove the oil drain plug.
4. Drain the engine oil.
5. Remove the oil filter.
6. Inspect to ensure the engine oil filter gasket is removed.
Installation Procedure
1. Lubricate the oil filter seal with clean engine oil.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
2. Install the oil filter.
^ Tighten the filter after contact plus 1 to 1� turn.
3. Install the oil pan drain plug.
^ Tighten the plug to 84 Nm (62 ft. lbs.).
4. Lower the vehicle.
5. Fill the engine with the proper capacity and quality of engine oil.
6. Operate the engine, check for oil leaks, and normal oil pressure.