59. Cylinder Head Assemble
Cylinder Head Assemble
Tools Required
^ J 44640 Valve Stem Seal Installer
^ J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor
1. Important: Lubricate the valve stem with clean engine oil before installing.
Install the valves into the cylinder head.
2. Install the valve spring lower seat.
3. Install the valve stem seal using J 44640.
4. Install the valve spring with the painted end towards the cylinder head.
5. Install the valve spring upper seat.
6. Use the J 8062 to compress the valve spring.
7. Install the valve keys.
8. Remove the J 8062 from the cylinder head.
9. Measure the valve installed height using a ruler. Measure from the base of the valve spring to the top of the valve.
10. Install the remaining valves, springs, and other components.