Direct Clutch and Intermediate Sprag Assembly
Disassembled Views
Direct Clutch and Intermediate Sprag Assembly
537 - Direct Clutch Housing Ball Check Valve
607 - Direct Clutch Spring Assembly
608 - Direct Clutch Spring Retainer Ring
609 - Direct Clutch (Waved) Plate
611 - Direct Clutch Plate Assembly
616 - Direct Clutch Backing Plate Retaining Ring
617 - Direct Clutch Backing Plate
618 - Direct Clutch Plate
619 - Direct Clutch Piston Assembly
622 - Direct Clutch Piston Intermediate Seal
623 - Direct Clutch Housing Assembly
624 - Intermediate Clutch Sprag Assembly
625 - Intermediate Clutch Roller Race (Outer)
626 - Intermediate Clutch Roller Retainer
627 - Intermediate Clutch Roller Retainer Retaining Ring