Cooling System: Description and Operation
Cooling System Description and Operation
Engine Coolant Indicators
The instrument panel cluster (IPC) displays ENGINE COOLANT HOT message when the IPC receives a class 2 message from the powertrain control module (PCM) requesting illumination of this driver warning.
The IPC displays ENGINE OVERHEATED message when the IPC receives a class 2 message from the PCM requesting illumination of this driver warning.
The IPC displays REDUCED ENGINE POWER message when the IPC detects a reduced engine power condition from the PCM. The IPC receives a class 2 message from the PCM requesting illumination when the engine temperature reaches 132°C (270°F).
Coolant Heater
The optional engine coolant heater (RPO K05) operates using 110-volt AC external power and is designed to warm the coolant in the engine block area for improved starting in very cold weather 29°C (20°F). The coolant heater helps reduce fuel consumption when a cold engine is warming up. The unit is equipped with a detachable AC power cord. A weather shield on the cord is provided to protect the plug when not in use.