Interior - Excessive Sun Glare Off Of Chrome On Dash
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 08-01-38-007C
Date: June 14, 2011
Subject: Sun Reflection Off Chrome Trim Rings (Bezel) on Instrument Panel HVAC Air Outlets (Replace with Black Painted Trim Rings (Bezel))
2007-2012 GMC Acadia
This bulletin is being revised to include the 2012 model year. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 08-01-38-007B (Section 01 - HVAC).
Some customers may comment that the sun reflects off the chrome trim ring on the Instrument Panel (IP) Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) air outlet.
This condition may be caused by the chrome plating on the trim ring.
Technicians are to replace all five air outlet trim rings with a new black painted part using the following procedure:
1. Disable the SIR system. Refer to Sir Disabling and Enabling.
2. Remove the front floor console accessory trim plate. Refer to the Front Floor Console Accessory Trim Plate Replacement (Acadia) procedure in SI.
3. Remove the IP accessory Trim Plate. Refer to the Instrument Panel Accessory Trim Plate Replacement (Acadia) procedure in SI.
4. Remove the two air flow close-off levers from the air outlet assembly.
5. Remove the air ducts from the front air louvers.
6. Using a small screwdriver or flat-bladed tool, release the chrome trim ring retainers and remove the chrome trim rings.
7. Install three new black painted trim rings onto the front air louvers.
8. Install the air ducts onto the front air louvers.
9. Install the two air flow close-off levers onto the air outlet assembly.
10. Install the IP accessory trim plate.
11. Install the front floor console accessory trim plate.
12. Use a small screwdriver or flat-bladed tool, starting at the bottom, to release the chrome trim ring retainers on the left and right air outlet assemblies and remove the trim rings.
Part of the retainers may break off during removal. It is not necessary to remove the air outlet assemblies from the IP trim pad.
13. Install new black painted trim rings on the left and right air outlet assemblies.
14. Enable the SIR system.
15. Verify proper operation of the air outlet louvers and air flow close-off levers.
Parts Information
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.