Air Conditioning Cycling Switch Replacement (Non-HP2)
Air Conditioning Cycling Switch Replacement (Non-HP2)
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the electrical connector from the A/C low pressure switch.
2. Remove the A/C low pressure switch from the accumulator.
3. Remove the O-ring and discard.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the new O-ring seal to the switch. Refer to Air Conditioning O-Ring Seal Replacement (Air Conditioning O-Ring Seal Replacement).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution (Fastener Caution).
2. Install the A/C low pressure switch to the accumulator and tighten to 6 Nm (53 lb in).
3. Connect the electrical connector to the A/C low pressure switch.
4. Leak test the fittings of the components using the J 39400-A .