8. Bearings and Spacers Cleaning and Inspection
Bearings and Spacers Cleaning and Inspection
Caution: When you are jacking the vehicle at the front locations, be certain that the jack or the jack lift pad does not contact the front fascia, front fascia air dam, or the front fenders. If such contact occurs, vehicle damage may result. When jacking at selected front locations additional clearance may be required for the jacking points.
1. Clean all bearing components in a suitable solvent and air dry.
2. Inspect the bearings and journals for roughness and unusual wear or damage.
3. Inspect the main shaft bearing journals for wear.
4. Inspect the main shaft speed gear bearings for wear.
5. Inspect the main drive gear pilot bearing rollers for wear.
6. Replace components which show signs of excessive wear.
7. Do not file surfaces which have been hardened and precision ground.
8. Replace worn or damaged bearings.
9. Replace mated bearing components when only one part is damaged.