Console Flood Lamp
Passenger Compartment/Roof Component Views
Headliner Components
1 - Courtesy/Reading Lamps- 3rd Row
2 - Infrared Transmitter (U42 with C3U)
3 - Courtesy/Reading Lamps- 2nd Row (U42 with C3U)
4 - Digital Video Disc (DVD) Display (U42 with C3U)
5 - Sunroof Switch (C3U)
6 - Cellular Telephone Microphone (UE1)
7 - Overhead Console Courtesy/Reading Lamps- Front
8 - Console Flood Lamp
9 - Garage Door Opener (GDO) (UG1)
10 - Sunroof Shade Switch (C3U)
11 - Sunshade- Right
12 - Inside Rearview Mirror (ISRVM)
13 - Sunshade- Left
14 - Digital Video Disc (DVD) Display (U42 without C3U)
15 - Courtesy/Reading Lamps- 2nd Row (without C3U)
16 - Infrared Transmitter (U42 without C3U)
17 - Rear Parking Assist (RPA) Display (UD7)
18 - Electronic Compass Module (U80)
19 - Remote Control Door Lock Receiver (RCDLR)