Tailgate: Service and Repair
Endgate Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Open the endgate.
2. With the aid of an assistant, raise the endgate to a 45 degree angle.
3. Remove the support cables (1) from the endgate striker bolt heads on each side, by sliding the cables forward until the bolt head can be removed from the keyhole slots.
4. Lift up on the right side of the endgate to disengage the endgate side hinge (2) from the body side hinge (1).
5. With the aid of an assistant, slide the endgate to the right to disengage the endgate from the body side hinge.
6. Remove the endgate cover. Refer to Pickup Box Endgate Latch Cover Replacement .
7. Remove the endgate handle. Refer to Endgate Handle Replacement .
8. Remove the endgate latch assemblies. Refer to Endgate Latch and Cable Assembly Replacement .
9. Remove the endgate hinge from the endgate. Refer to Endgate Lower Hinge Replacement - Endgate Side Endgate Lower Hinge Replacement - Endgate Side.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the endgate hinge to the endgate. Refer to Endgate Lower Hinge Replacement - Endgate Side Endgate Lower Hinge Replacement - Endgate Side.
2. Install the endgate latch assemblies. Refer to Endgate Latch and Cable Assembly Replacement .
3. Install the endgate handle. Refer to Endgate Handle Replacement .
4. Install the endgate cover. Refer to Pickup Box Endgate Latch Cover Replacement .
5. With the aid of an assistant, slide the endgate hinge onto the left side body side hinge.
6. Install the endgate to the right body side hinge by holding the endgate at a 45 degree angle and lowering the endgate hinge (2) onto the body side hinge (1).
7. Install the support cables (1) onto the endgate striker bolt heads by inserting the keyhole slots over the bolt head and sliding the cable rearward.
8. Close the endgate.