Drive Motor/Generator: Testing and Inspection
Drive Motor Generator Battery Control Module Scan Tool Information
The Drive Motor Generator Battery Control Module Scan Tool Data List contains all Hybrid Battery related parameters that are available on the scan tool. The list is arranged in alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any one of the data lists, and in some cases may appear more than once, or in more than one data list in order to group certain related parameters together.
Use the scan tool data values under the following conditions:
* The Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle is complete.
* The On-Board Diagnostics are functioning properly.
* There are no diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) present.
Important: Do not use a scan tool that displays faulty data. Report the condition to the scan tool manufacturer. The use of a faulty scan tool can result in misdiagnosis and the unnecessary replacement of parts.
Only the parameters listed below are referenced in this manual for diagnosis. If a scan tool displays other parameters, those values are not recommended by General Motors for use in diagnosis.
If all values are within the expected range described below, refer to Symptoms - Hybrid Energy Storage Symptom Related Diagnostic Procedures for diagnosis.
The scan tool values from a properly running vehicle may be used for comparison with the vehicle you are diagnosing. The values below represent a typical display recorded from a properly functioning system.