Ignition Timing: Adjustments
Ignition Timing Mark And Notch:
1. Start and run the engine until normal operating temperature has been attained.
2. Stop engine, turn ignition switch back to the ON position for five seconds and then restart the engine.
3. Run engine at 2,000 rpm for five minutes and then reduce engine speed to an idle. Make sure that the idle speed is within specifications. Refer to Powertrain Management/Fuel Delivery and Air Induction/Specifications/Mechanical.
4. Stop engine and turn all electrical accessories "OFF."
5. Connect the pick-up lead of a timing light to the number one spark plug. Use a jumper lead between the spark plug wire and the spark plug or use an inductive type pick-up. DO NOT pierce the spark plug wire or attempt to insert a probe between the spark plug wire and the wire boot.
6. Connect the timing light power leads according to the manufacturer's instructions.
7. Remove the cap from the diagnostic connector. Connect a jumper wire between terminals C and D.
8. Start engine and aim the timing light at the timing mark. The notch on the crankshaft pulley should line up at the 8 degrees before top dead center (BTDC) on the timing indicator at each flash of the timing light. If an adjustment is required:
^ Loosen the distributor flange bolt.
^ While observing the timing mark slowly rotate the distributor until an 8° BTDC reading is obtained.
^ Tighten the distributor flange bolt to 15 N-m (11 lb. ft.).
9. Recheck the timing and adjust as required.
10. Remove the jumper wire from the diagnostic connector and install the cap. Recheck the timing. Ignition timing should be between 7 and 9 degrees BTDC. Readjust as necessary.
NOTE: If ignition timing cannot be set to specification, refer to EMISSION CONTROLS/DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING PROCEDURES.
11. Stop engine, remove the timing light and reconnect the number one spark plug wire if disconnected.