Trailing Arm: Service and Repair
1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove rear wheels.
3. Disconnect parking brake cable hanger from trailing rod.
4. Support rear axle using suitable jack.
5. Remove front and rear trailing rod bolts and nuts. Have an assistant support trailing rod when removing bolts and nuts to prevent personal injury.
6. Mount trailing rod into a suitable press using a Front Control Arm Bushing Service Set tool No. J29792-1 and Rear Suspension Bushing Remover Tool No. J28685-2, or equivalent.
7. Press bushing out until bushing bottoms into the rear suspension bushing remover tool.
8. Release pressure, remove rear suspension bushing remover tool and install a Bushing Remover Tool No. J28685-1 or equivalent and press the remainder of bushing out of trailing rod.
9. Reverse procedure to install.