Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and battery positive cable.2. On models equipped with A/C, discharge and recover refrigerant.
3. Relieve fuel pressure.
4. Mark hood for installation alignment, then remove hood.
5. Drain cooling system.
6. Remove engine mount to exhaust bracket bolts, and exhaust bracket.
7. Raise and support vehicle.
8. Remove skid plate.
9. Drain engine oil.
10. On models equipped with manual transmission, remove clutch housing lower plate, then clutch cable from clutch release arm.
11. On models equipped with automatic transmission, proceed as follows:
a. Remove torque converter housing lower plate.
b. Remove transmission fluid hoses.
c. Remove torque converter lower plate; then, using flywheel holder tool No. J 35271, or equivalent, to lock drive plate, remove torque converter bolts.
12. Remove front exhaust pipe and three way converter from exhaust manifold.
13. On models equipped with manual transmission, remove clutch cable from retaining straps.
14. Support transmission and remove starter.
15. Remove engine mount lower nuts.
16. Lower vehicle and remove upper engine coolant hose.
17. On models equipped with A/C, remove compressor.
18. Remove radiator shroud, fan clutch, and fan.
19. Remove air intake pipe from engine and accelerator cable.
20. On models equipped with automatic transmission, remove kickdown cable from throttle body.
21. Remove positive crankcase ventilation valve (PCV), exhaust gas recirculation valve (EGR), and EGR temperature sensor valve from intake manifold.
22. Remove coolant hose from IAC, then IAC air hose from IAC.
23. Remove fuel feed hose at fuel feed hose union, then fuel feed hose from fuel feed return line.
24. Remove PCV hose from PCV valve.
25. Remove coolant hose from thermostat housing, then the coolant bypass and heater inlet hoses from the intake manifold.
26. Remove lower coolant hose from radiator.
27. Remove the following electrical connectors:
a. Throttle position (TP) sensor.
b. Idle air control (IAC) valve.
c. Heated oxygen sensor (H02S).
d. Engine coolant temperature sensor (ECT).
e. ECT sensor sending unit.
f. Air conditioning ECT switch.
g. Wiring harness from retaining clamps.
h. Injector wiring harness.
i. Generator
j. Power steering pressure switch.
k. EGR temperature sensor.
l. EGR solenoid vacuum valve.
28. Disconnect the following vacuum hoses:
a. EGR valve modulator.
b. EGR Valve.
c. Brake booster supply hose.
d. On models equipped with automatic transmission, vacuum modulator supply hose.
e. EVAP solenoid purge valve.
29. Remove distributor from distributor case.
30. Install engine hoist to engine.
31. Remove transmission to engine bolts.
32. Check and remove any hoses, wiring, cables, or brackets that may restrict removal of engine from vehicle.
33. Remove engine from vehicle.
34. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Tighten components and fasteners to specifications.
b. Adjust clutch pedal free travel.
c. Adjust accelerator cable and kickdown cable.
d. Refill all fluid levels.
e. On models equipped with A/C, evacuate and charge A/C system.