Ignition Timing: Adjustments
PROCEDURE1. Start and warm engine to normal operating temperature.
2. Make sure that
^ All electrical loads (wipers, radio, headlights, defogger and blower) are "OFF."
^ A/C is "OFF," if equipped.
^ Gearshift control lever is set in neutral (manual transmission) or manual selector lever is in "P" (automatic transmission).
^ Parking brake lever is fully engaged.
3. Check to be sure that the idle speed is within specification. Refer to Idle Speed / Specifications / Mechanical. Specifications
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4. Connect a timing light to No. 1 cylinder high tension cord.
5. Remove cap from Duty Check Data Link Connector located next to the battery.
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6. Connect a jumper wire from Duty Check Data Link Connector cavity "4" to cavity "5."
NOTE: In this state, ignition timing is fixed.
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7. Check timing. It should be 50 + or 10 BTDC at 800 RPM.
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8. If not within specification, loosen distributor hold down bolt and rotate distributor and repeat until timing is within specifications .
9. Remove jumper from Duty Check Data Link Connector. Make sure that timing is within specifications and that it advances with engine speed.