3. Valve Body Disassemble & Service
Valve Bodies and ATF Strainer Removal
NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during the following procedure.
1. Remove the ATF feed pipes from the regulator valve body, servo body, top accumulator body, and accumulator body.
2. Remove the servo detent base (two bolts).
3. Remove the ATF strainer (two bolts).
4. Remove the top accumulator body (seven bolts), then remove the accumulator body separator plate and dowel pins (two).
5. Remove the servo body (five bolts), then remove servo separator plate and dowel pins (two).
6. Remove the regulator valve body (eight bolts).
7. Remove the stator shaft and stator shaft stop.
8. Remove the regulator separator plate and dowel pins (two).
9. Remove the accumulator body (seven bolts).
10. Unhook the detent spring from the detent arm, then remove the detent arm shaft, detent arm, and control shaft.
11. Remove the cooler check valve spring and cooler check valve (ball).
12. Remove the main valve body (four bolts).
13. Remove the torque converter check valve and spring.
14. Remove the ATF pump driven gear shaft, then remove the ATF pump gears.
15. Remove the main separator plate and dowel pins (three).
16. Clean the inlet opening (A) of the ATF strainer (B) thoroughly with compressed air, then check that it is in good condition, and the inlet opening is not clogged.
17. Test the ATF strainer by pouring clean ATF through the inlet opening, and replace it if it is clogged or damaged.
Valve Body Repair
NOTE: This repair is only necessary if one or more of the valves in a valve body do not slide smoothly in their bores. Use this procedure to free the valves.
1. Soak a sheet of # 600 abrasive paper in ATF for about 30 minutes.
2. Carefully tap the valve body so the sticking valve drops out of its bore. It may be necessary to use a small screwdriver to pry the valve free. Be careful not to scratch the bore with the screwdriver.
3. Inspect the valve for any scuff marks. Use the ATF soaked # 600 paper to polish off any burrs that are on the valve, then wash the valve in solvent and dry it with compressed air.
4. Roll up half a sheet of ATF-soaked # 600 paper and insert it in the valve bore of the sticking valve. Twist the paper slightly, so that it unrolls and fits the bore tightly, then polish the bore by twisting the paper as you push it in and out.
NOTE: The valve body is aluminum and doesn't require much polishing to remove any burrs.
5. Remove the # 600 paper. Thoroughly wash the entire valve body in solvent, then dry it with compressed air.
6. Coat the valve with ATF, then drop it into its bore. It should drop to the bottom of the bore under its own weight. If not, repeat step 4 and 5, then retest. If the valve still sticks, replace the valve body.
7. Remove the valve, and thoroughly clean it and the valve body with solvent. Dry all parts with compressed air, then reassemble using ATF as a lubricant.
Valve Body Valve Installation
1. Coat all parts with ATF before assembly.
2. Install the valves and springs in the sequence shown for the main valve body, regulator valve body, servo body, and top accumulator body. Refer to the following valve cap illustrations, and install each valve cap so the end shown facing up will be facing the outside of the valve body.
3. Install all the springs and seats. Insert the spring (A) in the valve, then install the valve in the valve body (B). Push the spring in with a screwdriver, then install the spring seat (C).
Main Valve Body Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Do not use a magnet to remove the check ball, it may magnetize the ball.
3. Inspect the valve body for scoring and damage.
4. Check all valves for free movement. If any fail to slide freely, refer to Valve Body Repair.
5. Replace the valve body as an assembly if any parts are worn or damaged.
6. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.
7. Install the new filter in the direction shown.
ATF Pump Inspection
1. Install the ATF pump drive gear(A), driven gear (B), and ATF pump driven gear shaft (C) in the main valve body (D). Lubricate all parts with ATF, and install the ATF pump driven gear with its grooved and chamfered side facing up.
2. Measure the side clearance of the ATF pump drive gear (A) and driven gear (B).
ATF Pump Gears Side (Radial) Clearance:
Standard (New):
ATF Pump Drive Gear 0.210 - 0.265 mm (0.0083 - 0.00104 inch)
ATF Pump Driven Gear 0.070 - 0.125 mm (0.0028 - 0.0050 inch)
3. Remove the ATF pump driven gear shaft. Measure the thrust clearance between the ATF pump driven gear (A) and the valve body (B) with a straight edge (C) and a feeler gauge (D).
ATF Pump Drive/Driven Gear Thrust (Axial)
Standard (New): 0.03 - 0.06 mm (0.001 - 0.002 inch)
Service Limit: 0.07 mm (0.003 inch)
Regulator Valve Body Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Inspect the valve body for scoring and damage.
3. Check all valves for free movement If any fail to slide freely, refer to Valve Body Repair.
4. Replace the valve body as an assembly if any parts are worn or damaged.
5. Hold the regulator spring cap in place while removing the stop bolt. The regulator spring cap is spring loaded. Once the stop bolt is removed, release the spring cap slowly so it does not pop out.
6. Reassembly is the reverse of the disassembly. Install the filter in the direction shown.
7. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.
8. Align the hole in the regulator spring cap with the hole in the valve body, then press the spring cap into the valve body, and tighten the stop bolt.
9. Install the new filter in the direction shown.
Servo Body Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Inspect the servo body for scoring and damage.
3. Check all valves for free movement. If any fail to slide freely, refer to Valve Body Repair.
4. Replace the valve body as an assembly if any parts are worn or damaged.
5. Coat all parts with ATF during reassembly.
Top Accumulator Body Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Inspect the top accumulator body for scoring and damage.
3. Check all valves for free movement. If any fail to slide freely, refer to Valve Body Repair.
4. Replace the valve body as an assembly if any parts are worn or damaged.
5. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.
Accumulator Body Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Do not use a magnet to remove the check balls; it may magnetize the balls.
2. Inspect the accumulator body for scoring and damage.
3. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
4. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.
3rd Accumulator/End Cover Disassembly, Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.