Crankshaft Installation
InstallationSpecial Tools Required
^ Driver 07749-0010000
^ Driver attachment 07948-SB00101
1. Check the connecting rod bearing clearance with plastigage.
2. Check the main bearing clearance with plastigage.
3. Install the bearing halves in the cylinder block and connecting rods.
4. Apply engine oil to the main bearings and rod bearings.
5. Hold the crankshaft so rod journal No.1 is straight up, and lower the crankshaft into the block.
6. Install the thrust washers (A) on both edges of the No. 3 main bearing recess.
7. Apply engine oil to the threads of the connecting rod bolts.
8. Seat the rod journal into connecting rod No.1. Install the connecting rod cap and bolts finger-tight. Install the cap so the bearing recess is on the same side as the recess in the rod.
9. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise, and seat the journal into connecting rod No. 2. Install the connecting rod cap and bolts finger-tight.
10. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise, and seat the journal into connecting rod No. 10. Install the connecting rod cap and bolts finger-tight.
11. Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 9.8 Nm (1.0 kgf-cm, 7.2 ft. lbs.).
12. Tighten the connecting rod bolts an additional 90°.
13. Apply liquid gasket, part No. 08718-0009, along the broken line.
NOTE: Do not install the parts if 5 minutes or more have elapsed since applying liquid gasket. Instead, reapply liquid gasket after removing the old residue.
14. Put the main bearing cap on the cylinder block.
15. Apply engine oil to the threads of the bearing cap bolts.
16. Tighten the bearing cap bolts is sequence to 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-cm, 18 ft. lbs.). Verify that all the bolts are torqued properly.
17. Tighten the bearing cap bolts an additional 60°.
18. Use the special tools to install a new oil seal. Drive the seal in until the special tool bottoms on the cylinder block.
19. Install cam timing chain.
20. Install the cylinder head.
21. Install the transmission.
22. Install the engine assembly.
NOTE: Whenever any crankshaft or connecting rod bearing is replaced, it is necessary after reassembly to run the engine at idling speed until it reaches normal operating temperature, then continue to run it for about 15 minutes.