Air Bag Systems: Service Precautions
Airbag Handling and StorageDo not disassemble an airbag. It has no serviceable parts. Once an airbag has been deployed, it cannot be repaired or reused.
For temporary storage of the airbag during service, please observe the following precautions.
- Store the removed airbag with the pad surface up. Never put anything on the removed airbag.
- Keep free from any oil, grease, detergent, or water to prevent damage to the airbag assembly.
- Store the removed airbag on a secure, flat surface away from any high heat source (exceeding 200 °F/93 °C).
- Never perform electrical inspections to the airbags, such as measuring resistance.
- Do not position yourself in front of the airbag assembly during removal, inspection, or replacement.
- Refer to the scrapping procedures for disposal of the damaged airbag.