Water Pump
Water pump beltDeflection with 98 N (9 kgf, 22 lbs.) applied mid-way between pulleys
Without A/C
Used belt 8.5 - 11.0 mm (0.33 - 0.43 inch)
New belt 7.0 - 10.0 mm (0.28 - 0.39 inch)
Tension (measured with belt tension gauges)
Without A/C
Used belt 340 - 490 N (35 - 50 kgf, 77 - 110 lbs.)
New belt 440 - 640 N (45 - 65 kgf, 99 - 143 lbs.)
(With A/C, see compressor belt in the A/C table)
NOTE: Adjust a new belt to the new belt spec, run the engine for 5 minutes, then adjust it to the used belt spec.