Headlamp: Testing and Inspection
HID Lamp System TroubleshootingCAUTION: Never turn on the combination light switch before fitting the HID bulbs to their bulb sockets and completing the reassembly of the headlight assembly.
1. Check the No.43 (20 A) and No.45 (20 A) fuse in the main under-hood fuse/relay box.
Are the fuses OK?
YES - Go to step 2.
NO - Replace the fuse(s), and recheck.
2. Substitute a known-good HID bulb and recheck.
Does the headlight low beam come on?
YES - Replace the HID bulb.
NO - Go to step 3.
3. Turn the combination light switch ON.
4. Measure the voltage between the No.2 terminal of the inverter unit 2P connector and body ground.
Is there battery voltage?
YES - Go to step 5.
NO - Repair open in the wire between the under-hood fuse/relay box and the inverter unit.
5. Check for voltage between the No.1 terminal of the inverter unit 2P connector and body ground.
Is there less than 1 V?
YES - Substitute a known-good inverter, and recheck. If the symptom/indication goes away, replace the original inverter unit.
NO - Repair open in the wire between the inverter unit and body ground. If the wire is OK, check for poor ground at G201 or G301.