Keyless Entry: Description and Operation
Burglar Alarm System
The burglar alarm system is armed automatically after the doors, hood, and tailgate are closed and locked.
The system is set off when any of these things occur :
- A door is forced open.
- The tailgate is opened without using the transmitter.
- The hood is opened.
When the system is set off, the alarm sounds and the hazard lamp flash for about 27 seconds or twice until the system is disarmed by unlocking the transmitter.
For the system to arm, the ignition switch must be off and the key removed. Then, the body control module must receive signals that the doors, hood, and tailgate are closed and locked. When everything is closed and locked, none of the control unit inputs are grounded.
The door switches, hood switch and tailgate switch are all close and lock the doors with the remote transmitter and then the system arms immediately.
If anything is opened after the system is armed, the body control module gets a ground signal from that switch, and the system is set off.
If one of the switches is misadjusted or there is a short in the system, the system will not arm. As long as the body control module continues to get a ground signal, it thinks the vehicle is not closed and locked and will not arm.
Keyless Entry System
The burglar alarm system is integrated with the keyless entry system. The keyless entry system allows you to lock and unlock the vehicle with the remote transmitter. When you push the LOCK/UNLOCK button, all doors lock. When you push the LOCK/UNLOCK button again, all doors unlock.
The room lamp, if its switch is in the center position, will come on when you press the UNLOCK button. If you do not open a door, the light will go off in about 30 seconds, the doors will automatically relock, and the burglar alarm system will rearm. If you relock the doors with the remote transmitter within 30 seconds, the light will go off immediately.
You cannot lock or unlock the doors with the remote transmitter if the key is in the ignition switch.
The system will signal you when the doors lock and unlock by flashing the hazard lamp once when they lock, and twice when they unlock.
In case of non SMK(Smart key) variant: If LOCK SWITCH on RF Key Transmitter(TLOCK) is pushed, LOCK DATA is sent to DOOR MODULE.
DOOR MODULE controls the Lock output.
In case of non SMK(Smart key) variant: If UNLOCK SWITCH on RF Key (TUNLOCK) is pushed, UNLOCK DATA is sent to DOOR MODULE.
DOOR MODULE controls the Unlock output.
The BCM controls two outputs for TAILGATE function.
A. POWER TAILGATE : command signal to PTGM triggered by TX or RKE or TAILGATE MASTER BUTTON.
B. TAILGATE LATCH RELAY : Direct Output, triggered by O/S HANDLE switch or POWER TAILGATE.
TAILGATE open command can be issued versus configuration from different sources with the only status of all door unlock. :
A. In case of SMK variant: from SMK ECU as a RKE command via CAN (RKE TAILGATE)
B. In case of non SMK variant: from a RF RKE telegram (TTAILGATE)
C. External TGATE open switch (TAILGATE MASTER BUTTON)
If the TAILGATE opening command has been received by BCM, the POWER TGATE is driven for 500 msec ± 100 msec.
T1 : 500 msec. ± 50 msec.,
T2 : 500 msec. ± 50 msec.
(1) Table for the action taken when second command is requested during the delay / activation time by first command
When the BCM detects TAILGATE FLASHER then starts 3 times Hazard flashing with normal turn signal operation period (85 ± 10 period/min).
During the FLASHER BUZZER output period, if another input of TAILGATE FLASHER is detected, stop the current output and begin the new output based on the new input of TAILGATE FLASHER.
T1 : 500 msec. ± 50 msec.,
T2 : < 250 msec.,
T3 : Normal Flasher time
If the TAILGATE FLASHER is not received after 200 msec. at the output of POWER TAILGATE, flash Hazard two times.
T1 : 500 ± 50 msec.,
T2 : Fob search time
Scratched area in the timing diagram above means "Don't care" condition.
Summary for TAILGATE LATCH RELAY with the condition of either all door locked or all door unlocked.
Regardless of all door lock / unlock status, TAILGATE TIMER (30 sec.) begins with the input of RKE TAILGATE.
When another input of RKE TAILGATE comes in during the TAILGATE TIMER (30 sec.), it is ignored.
This input signal controls TAILGATE LATCH RELAY under the only condition that is TAILGATE closed. Door lock / unlock status doesn't factor to operate TAILGATE LATCH RELAY by TAILGATE. There is no TAILGATE TIMER (30 sec.) running for this input. Other case, this signal doesn't control the TAILGATE LATCH RELAY.
1) When all door is in unlock status with no concern of TGATE open/close status, TAILGATE LATCH RELAY is always ON with the input of O/S HANDLE.
2) When TAILGATE is open, TAILGATE LATCH RELAY is ON by OUTSIDE HANDLE regardless of lock/unlock status of doors.
3) When all door is in lock status, there are three cases that make TAILGATE LATCH RELAY ON with the input of OUTSIDE HANDLE.
1) TAILGATE is closed and OUTSIDE HANDLE input comes in during TAILGATE TIMER (30 sec.)
2) TAILGATE is open
3) TAILGATE is closed and passive access TAILGATE (POWER TAILGATE) command is detected
T1 : 500 ± 50 msec.,
T2 : Fob search time
stands for POWER TGATE.
stands for TAILGATE TIMER (30 sec.)
simply mean that output is ON or OFF with a certain input.
8. It is called Panic functionality to indicate the vehicle panic alarm status with Horn and flasher.
This functionality is activated by Panic button of RF key during (KEY IN = OFF and IGN2 = OFF and IGN1 = OFF) and one of below mentioned conditions release the Panic alarm status:
Panic alarm must be independent of the ATWS state (arm, disarm, alarm,.) but is stopped when entering in ARM mode.
A. If an ATWS alarm is in progress, a panic alarm function can be started and stopped.
B. If a Panic alarm function is in progress a ATWS Alarm can start.