Repair Procedures
Service Adjustment Procedure
Checking Steering Wheel Free Play
1. Start the engine and with the steering wheel in the straight ahead position.
2. Measure the play while turning the steering wheel to the left and right.
Standard value :
Steering wheel free play : 30 mm (1.2 in)
3. If the play exceeds the standard value, inspect the connection between the steering shaft and tie rod ends.
Checking Steering Angle
1. Place the front wheel on a turning radius gauge and measure the steering angle.
Steering angle
2. If the measured value is not within the standard value, adjust the toe and inspect again.
Checking The Tie Rod End Ball Joint Starting Torque
1. Disconnect the tie rod end from the knuckle with the special tool (09568-4A000).
2. Shake the ball joint stud several times to check for looseness.
Tie rod end ball joint starting torque :
2.96 N.m (30, 2.18 lb-ft) or less
3. If the starting torque exceeds the upper limit of the standard value, replace the tie rod end.
4. Even if the starting torque is below the lower limit of the standard value, check the play of the ball joint and replace if necessary.
Checking Steering Wheel Return
1. The force required to turn the steering wheel and the wheel return should be the same for both moderate and sharp turns.
2. When the steering wheel is turned 90° and held for a couple of seconds while the vehicle is being driven at 20-30 kph (12-19 mph), the steering wheel should return at least 20° from its central position when it is released.
If the steering wheel is turned very quickly, steering may be momentarily difficult. This is not a malfunction because the oil pump output will be somewhat decreased.
Checking Power Steering Fluid Level
1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Start the engine. With the vehicle kept stationary, turn the steering wheel several times continuously to raise the fluid temperature to 50-60°C (122-140°F).
3. With the engine at idle, turn the steering wheel fully clockwise and counter-clockwise several times.
4. Make sure that there is no foaming or cloudiness in the reservoir fluid.
5. Stop the engine and check for any difference in fluid level between a stationary and a running engine.
1. If the fluid level varies 5 mm (0.2 in) or more, bleed the system again.
2. If the fluid level suddenly rises after stopping the engine, further bleeding is required.
3. Incomplete bleeding will produce a chattering sound in the pump and noise in the flow control valve, and lead to decreased durability of the pump.
Replacing Power Steering Fluid
1. Jack up the front wheels and support them with jackstands.
2. Disconnect the return hose from the oil reservoir and plug the oil reservoir.
3. Connect a vinyl hose to the disconnected return hose, and drain the oil into a container.
4. Remove the fuel pump fuse, then start the engine and wait for the engine to stall. Next, while operating the starting motor intermittently, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and then to the right several times to drain the fluid.
5. Connect the return hoses, then fill the oil reservoir with the specified fluid.
Power steering fluid type : PSF-4
Total quantity : Approx 1.0 liter
6. Bleed the power steering system.
7. Start the engine. Check for oil leakage.
8. Stop the engine.
Air Bleeding
1. Remove the fuel pump fuse, then start the engine and wait for the engine to stall. Next, while operating the starting motor intermittently (for 15 - 20 seconds), turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and then to the right five or six times.
- During air bleeding, replenish the fluid supply so that the level never falls below the lower position of the filter.
- If air bleeding is done while the vehicle is idling, the air will be broken up and absorbed into the fluid. Be sure to do the bleeding only while cranking.
2. Reinstall the fuel pump fuse, and start the engine(idling).
3. Turn the steering wheel to the left and the right until there are no air bubbles in the oil reservoir.
Do not hold the steering wheel turned all the way to either side for more than ten seconds.
4. Confirm that the fluid is not milky, and that the level is up to the position specified on the level gauge.
5. Confirm that there is little change in the surface of the fluid when the steering wheel is turned left and right.
- If the surface of the fluid changes considerably, air bleeding should be done again.
- If the fluid level rises suddenly when the engine is stopped, it indicates that there is still air in the system.
- If there is air in the system, a jingling noise may be heard from the pump and the control valve may also produce unusual noises. Air in the system will shorten the life of the pump and other parts.
Oil Pump Pressure Test (Oil Pump Relief Pressure)
1. Disconnect the pressure hose from the oil pump. Connect the special tool between the oil pump and pressure hose as illustrated.
2. Bleed the air, and then start the engine and turn the steering wheel several times so that the fluid temperature rises to approximately 50°C (122°F).
3. Set the engine speed to 1,000 rpm.
4. Close the shut-off valve of the special tool and measure the fluid pressure to confirm that it is within the range.
Standard value
3.3L: 102 kgf/cm2 (1451psi)
2.7L: 97 kgf/cm2 (1380psi)
Do not keep the shut-off valve on the pressure gauge closed for longer 10 than seconds.
5. Remove the special tools, and tighten the pressure hose to the specified torque.
Tightening Torque :
55 - 65N.m (5.5 - 6.5kgf.m, 40 - 47lb-ft)
6. Bleed the system.