Reassembly1. Apply the specified fluid to the entire surface of the oil seal and gear housing.
Recommended fluid: Power steering fluid (PSF-3)
2. Using the special tools (09555-21000, 09573-21000, 09573-33000, 09573-33100), install the backup washer and oil seal to the specified position in the gear housing.
3. Apply the specified grease to the entire surface of the needle bearing.
Recommended grease: Multipurpose grease SAE J310a, NLGI No. 2
4. Install the needle bearing in the gear housing using special tool (09222-21100).
5. Set the scribed side of the oil seal (inner) in the special tool (09431 -11000) and install in the gear housing.
1. Note the direction of the oil seal.
2. Use a new oil seal.
6. Apply the specified fluid to the entire surface of the rack bushing oil seal.
Recommended fluid: Power steering fluid (PSF-3)
7. Install the oil seal on the rack bushing.
8. Apply the specified fluid to the entire surface of the O-ring and install to the rack bushing using the special tool (09431-11000).
9. Apply the specified grease to the rack teeth and wrap with vinyl tape.
Recommended grease Multipurpose grease SAE J310a, NLGI grade #2 EP
Caution: Do not plug the vent hole in the rack with grease.
10. Insert the rack into the gear housing.
Install the rack bushing and rack stopper.
11. Push in the rack stopper until the circlip groove of the rack stopper is aligned with the notched hole of the rack housing and then install the circlip while turning the rack stopper.
Caution: The circlip end should not be visible through the notched hole of the rack housing.
12. Apply the specified fluid and grease to the pinion valve assembly and install to the gear housing assembly.
Recommended fluid: Power steering fluid (PSF-3)
Recommended grease: Multipurpose grease SAE J310a, NLGI grade #2 EP
13. Install the ball bearing using special tool (09222-21100).
14. Install the pinion and valve assembly to the valve housing.
15. Install the oil seal using the special tool (09432 - 21601).
16. Install the snap ring with snap ring plier.
17. With the pinion turned all the way clockwise, tighten the self-locking nut.
Caution: Always replace the self-locking nut with a new one.
18. Apply semi-drying sealant to the threaded section of the end plug and tighten to the specified torque.
Tightening torque 50 - 70 Nm (500 - 700 kg-cm, 36 - 51 ft. lbs.)
19. Stake the end plug at two points on its circumference with a punch.
20. Install the tab washer and then the tie rod and peen the tab washer end at two points to the tie rod.
1. Align the tab washer pawls with the rack grooves.
2. Use a new tab washer.
21. Install the bushing, rack support, rack support spring and rack support cover in the order shown. Apply thread sealant to the threaded section of the rack support cover before installation.
22. With the rack placed at the center position, attach the rack support plug to the gear housing. Tighten the rack support plug within the range of 20 - 25 Nm (200 - 250 kg-cm, 14.5 - 18 ft. lbs.), using the special tool. Loosen the rack support plug for approximately 10° and adjust torque to the standard value.
Standard value
Total pinion torque 0.6 - 1.3 Nm (6 - 13 kg-cm, 0.4 - 0.9 ft. lbs.)
23. After adjusting, lock rack support plug with lock nut.
Note: When it cannot be adjusted within the specified return angle, check rack support plug components or replace.
24. Tighten the feed tube to the specified torque and in stall the mount rubber using adhesive.
25. Apply the specified grease to the bellows fitting position (fitting groove) of the tie rod.
Recommended grease: Multipurpose grease SAE J310a, NLGI grade #2 EP
26. Install the new attaching band to the bellows.
Caution: Whenever the bellows are installed, a new band must be used
27. Install the bellows in, taking care not to twist it.
28. Fill the dust cover inner side and lip with the specified multipurpose grease, and fix the dust cover in position with the clip ring attached in the groove of the tie rod end.
Recommended grease: Multipurpose grease J310a, NLGI grade #2 EP
29. Install the tie rods so that the length of the left and right tie rods will be equal to the standard value.
Standard value
Tie rod free length: 47.2 mm (1.86 inch)
Note: Be sure to always identify the parts by marking (L,R) in advance for correct installation.