Engine Controls - Poor Cold Engine Acceleration
Group: ENGINE ELECTRICALNumber: 07-36-002
Date: FEBRUARY, 2007
2005 XG350
This bulletin provides a procedure to reprogram the PCM software in 2005 model year XG350 vehicles to improve driveability while accelerating during cold engine operation or after starting the engine.
^ Model: XG350
^ Affected vehicle production date range: All 2005 model year vehicles
1. Make sure the battery has reasonable charge. If the vehicle has been in storage for days run the engine at idle for at least 15 minutes to assure an adequate battery charge state for reliable reprogramming results.
2. Perform reprogramming with the ignition key in the ON position.
3. Turn off all lights (do not leave headlight switch in auto modes.) and all accessories (including heater/air conditioner/blower, radio, heated seats, rear defroster, etc.) to make certain the battery will not be discharged during reprogramming.
4. Be careful not to disconnect any cables connected to the vehicle, the GDS or the laptop during reprogramming.
5. Do not start the engine during reprogramming.
6. Do not turn the ignition switch OFF during reprogramming.
Make sure that the battery symbol indicator at the bottom right tray of the GDS laptop shows at least 25% so there will be enough power for the reprogram; if it has less, charge the GDS laptop by connecting the power adaptor cable for at least 1/2 hour or leave it connected during the reprogram procedure if possible.
1. Connect the USB cable between the GDS laptop USB port and the VCI.
When performing the reprogramming using the GDS, wireless communication between the VCI and GDS laptop cannot be used; you must connect the USB cable between the GDS laptop and the VCI.
2. Connect the GDS 3-connector adaptor to the DLC connector from the VCI.
3. Plug the GDS 3-connector adaptor's larger 10-pin connector to the vehicle's connector under the instrument panel on the driver's side located as shown in the picture above.
4. Turn on the VCI and GDS laptop, and then perform reprogramming in accordance with the instructions below:
Internet Update:
Select the Internet Update to check that your GDS has Local Version 1.22 or higher. Shown is an example of an Internet Update available to Server Version 1.22 with the current GDS Local Version at 1.20, note the Download Start button is available to perform the internet update:
1. Enter the vehicle information either automatically by pressing the VIN Auto Detect button or, if this does not work, manually enter the vehicle model and model year, and select ENGINE as the system:
2. Select ECU Upgrade:
3. Select Auto Mode then ENGINE at the left ECU Upgrade column and the screen shown will be displayed.
4. After selecting OK, the GDS will read the ROM ID as shown.
5. After the Current ROM ID is displayed, select Upgrade Event # 83 as shown.
6. After selecting the Upgrade button, select OK at the screen.
7. The vehicle battery voltage is checked to verify it is at least 12 volts as required to assure reliable reprogramming results. Select OK at this screen if the results indicate Voltage is OK.
If voltage is below 12 volts, select Cancel and run the engine for 10 minutes at idle. Select OK again at the previous screen to verify the battery voltage exceeds 12 volts.
8. Reprogramming will begin and progress of the reprogramming will appear on the bar graph:
9. When 100% is reached on the bar graph, reprogramming is not finished. You must wait until the next screen which indicates reprogramming is complete.
10. Disconnect the 3-connector adaptor from the VCI DLC connector and plug the VCI's DLC connector directly into the vehicle's DLC connector for using the normal diagnostics mode of the GDS.
11. Check for any engine or transmission section diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and erase any trouble codes present.
12. Turn the vehicle ignition switch OFF for about 20 seconds and then start the engine to confirm proper operation of the vehicle.
^ Manual reprogramming must be performed only when automatic reprogramming fails.
^ If automatic reprogramming fails, turn the ignition switch OFF for about 20 seconds, place it back in the ON position and then perform manual reprogramming.
1. Within the ECU Upgrade screen, select Manual Mode followed by ENGINE in the left column, then select Upgrade Event # 83, and referring to the above table select the ECU part number 39106-39250, and then select OK:
2. Enter Password 9250 and select OK:
3. The battery voltage must be above 12 volts for reliable reprogram results. If the result is good, select OK; otherwise select cancel and run the engine at idle for 10 minutes to recharge battery and retry.
4. Reprogramming will occur until 100% is indicated in the bar graph. Wait for the follow-up final screen to indicate actual completion:
5. Disconnect the 3-connector adaptor from the VCI DLC connector and plug the VCI's DLC connector directly into the vehicle's DLC connector for using the normal diagnostics mode of the GDS.
6. Check for any engine or transmission section diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and erase any trouble codes present.
7. Turn the vehicle ignition switch OFF for about 20 seconds and then start the engine to confirm proper operation of the vehicle.