Front Wheel Alignment
FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENTWhen using a wheel alignment tester to inspect front wheel alignment, always position the car on a level surface and the front wheels in the straight ahead position. Prior to inspection, make sure that the front suspension and steering system are in normal operating condition and that wheels and tires are free of deflection and tires are inflated to specification.
Toe-in (B-A or angle a+b) is adjusted by turning the tie rod turnbuckles. Toe in on the left front wheel can be reduced by turning the tie rod toward the rear of the car. Toe change is adjusted by turning the tie rod of the right and left wheels simultaneously in the same amount as follows:
Toe-in (B-A): -2 mm - + 2 mm
Toe-in (a+b): -10'48" - +10'48"
1. Toe-in adjustment should be made by turning the right and left tie rods in the same amount.
2. When adjusting toe-in, loosen the outer bellows clip to prevent the bellows from being twisted.
3. After the adjustment, firmly tighten the tie rod end lock nuts and reinstall the bellows clip.
Tightening torque
Tie rod end lock nuts: 50 - 55 Nm (500 - 550 kg-cm, 37 - 40 ft. lbs.)
The steering knuckle which is included in the strut assembly is preadjusted to the specified camber at the factory and requires no adjustment.
Camber: 0° ± 30
Caster is pre-set at the factory and can not be adjusted. If caster is not within standard value, replace the bent or damaged parts.
Caster: 3°15' ± 1°
1. The front suspension assembly must be free of worn, loose or damaged parts prior to measuring front wheel alignment.
2. Camber and caster are pre-set at the factory and cannot be adjusted.
3. If camber and caster are not within specifications, replace bent or damaged parts.