Water Pump
Water Pump BoltsCOMPONENT:
21.56 - 23.52 Nm (2.2 - 2.4 kgf.m, 15.91 - 17.36 ft. lbs.)
9.80 - 11.76 Nm (1.0 - 1.2 kgf.m, 7.23 - 8.68 ft. lbs.)
ALLDATA Editor Note: The manufacturer shows 12 water pump bolts (plus 4 in the pulley) and 6 torqued to each of the above specifications. The image included here and in the repair article clearly identifies 2 of the 12 with which torque to use based upon location. Experience dictates that with 2 torque specifications that differ so greatly, the bolts should differ greatly as well.