System Specifications
Cylinder headFlatness of cylinder head gasket surface
Standard Less than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
[Less than 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.)/150x150]
Flatness of manifold gasket surface
Standard Less than 0.03 mm (0.001in)/110x110
Tightening torque
1st step 37.3-41.2 Nm (3.8-4.2 kgf-m, 27.5-30.4 lb-ft)
2nd step 120 degrees ±2 degrees
3rd step: 90° ±2 degrees
(A) 18.62-23.52 Nm (1.9-2.4 kgf-m, 13.74-17.36 lb-ft)
NOTE: Always use new cylinder head bolts.
Camshaft bearing cap bolt
CVVT & exhaust cam sprocket bolt 64.68-76.44 Nm (6.6-7.8 kgf-m, 47.74-56.42 ft. lbs.)
Intake manifold
1st 3.9-5.9 Nm (0.4-0.6 kgf-m, 2.9-4.3 lb-ft)
2nd 18.62-23.52 Nm (1.9-2.4 kgf-m, 13.74-17.36 lb-ft)
3rd Repeat 2nd step twice or move.
a-h 1st step order
1-8 2nd step order
Exhaust manifold nut 39.20-44.10 Nm (4.0-4.5 kgf-m, 28.93-32.55 ft. lbs.)