Service Procedure
Remove Old Door Finisher Pocket1. Remove the front door finisher with the broken pocket. Refer to section EL in the ESM for door finisher removal.
2. Close the pocket and lay the finisher on a clean working surface with the backside facing up.
3. Using needle-nose pliers remove the springs from both sides of the pocket (see Figures 1 and 2).
^ The front and rear springs are different. Don't mix them up.
^ Remove one spring at a time.
^ First remove the end of the spring that is in the hole with the black plastic spacer.
^ Then remove the other end of the spring.
You should be able to reuse the springs, but if a spring is bent or otherwise damaged it will need to be replaced. New springs are listed in the Parts Information.
4. Remove the plastic spacers from both front and rear sides (see Figures 2 and 3).
5. Turn the door finisher over.
6. Open the pocket.
7. Push/pull the pocket towards the front (towards the door speaker grill).
^ This will release the rear side.
8. Then pull the door pocket straight out (away) from the door finisher.
Install the New Door Pocket
1. First install the rear side pin of the door pocket then the front side pin.
^ New door pockets are listed in the Parts Information.
2. Push down on the top of the pocket to lock the pin's into place.
^ Check the pins from the back side of the door finisher to make sure they are locked in place (into the tabs).
3. Insert the sliding pins into their slots.
a. Twist the pocket to get one sliding pin into its slot.
b. Then twist the opposite direction to get the other sliding pin into the other slot.
4. Reinstall the black plastic spacers onto the sliding pins of the door pocket.
^ If needed new spacers are listed in the Parts Information.
5. Install the springs using needle-nose pliers (see Figure 12).
^ Install the springs one at a time.
^ First attach one end of the spring to the hole on the door finisher.
^ Then attach the other end of the spring to the hole in the middle of the black plastic spacer (hole in the middle of the sliding pin).
^ Make sure the springs are installed as shown in Figure 12.
^ If the coil of the spring is over the "slot", it is the wrong spring for that end of the pocket, the springs were "mixed". Remove it and install the other spring.
6. Reinstall the door finisher onto the door.
^ Refer to section EI in the ESM for door finisher installation.