Instruments - Auto Dimming Mirror/Compass Service
July 21, 2005
2004 - 2005 QX56 (JA60)
2003 - 2005 FX (S50)
2004 - 2005 Q45 (F50)
2003 - 2006 M (Y34 and Y50)
2003 - 2005 G35 (V35 and CV35)
This bulletin supplements the diagnostic and repair information in the Electronic Service Manual (ESM) for the factory installed auto dimming mirror with compass.
When servicing the auto dimming mirror or compass refer to the information in this bulletin along with the repair information contained in the ESM.
The factory installed auto dimming mirror with compass is manufactured by Gentex. It can be identified by looking for GNTX stamped in the back of the mirror case along with patent and other information. Also the factory installed mirror with compass has the compass display on the mirror face as shown in Figure 1.
Auto Dimming Mirror Operational Description
^ The automatic dimming mirror uses two photoelectric sensors to detect front and rear light conditions.
^ Based on input from these sensors the mirror is adjusted to eliminate unwanted glare.
^ The amount of adjustment is dependant on the amount of light detected by the rear sensor in relationship to the ambient light (surrounding light) detected by the front sensor.
^ The mirror will automatically return to a "no dimming" mode whenever the vehicle is placed in REVERSE to ensure an improved view when backing up.
Sensor Action
^ When the front sensor detects daytime conditions the rear sensor is inactive and the mirror remains in a "no dimming" mode.
^ When the front sensor detects nighttime conditions the rear sensor is active and detects any source of glare (light) coming from the rear (mainly headlights from approaching vehicles). The mirror will automatically adjust the amount of dimming needed to remove the unwanted glare from the inside rear view mirror.
Don't let anything get in the way of the front or rear sensors. If anything blocks the sensors they may not work correctly.
Auto Dimming Mirror Trouble Shooting
Always verify the customer concern before performing diagnosis.
Auto Dimming Mirror Operational Check
All checks must be performed with the ignition ON, and the auto dimming function turned ON (green LED indicator is ON).
Mirror Compass Operational Description
^ This electronic compass is able to display 8 primary directions: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
^ All standard compasses determine direction relative to Magnetic North; however this electronic compass is designed to display direction relative to True North.
^ The difference between Magnetic North and True North varies from place to place across the surface of the earth.
^ This electronic compass must be "told" approximately where it is on the earth's surface so that the Magnetic North reading can be properly converted into a True North display.
^ To tell the electronic compass where it's at the earth is separated into numbered Zone Vanances (see zone variance map). The Zone Variance number in which the compass is to function must be entered into this electronic compass.
^ Each zone is magnetically about 4.2° wide. Typically anything under 22.5° total zone change is not noticed on the electronic compass display. However over 22.5° a reading may be off by one or more primary directions.
^ On long trips a vehicle may leave its original zone and enter one or more new zones. Generally you do not need to reset the compass zone if you travel between 3 or 4 zones such as business travel or vacation. The typical driver will not notice any difference on the display within 3 or 4 zones. However if the vehicle is permanently moved to a new location it is recommended that the compass zone be reset.
Compass Troubleshooting
^ The electronic compass is highly protected from changes in most magnetic fields. However some large changes in magnetic fields can affect it. Some examples are (but not limited to): high tension power lines large steel buildings subways steel bridges automatic car washes large piles of scrap metal etc. While this does not happen very often it is possible.
^ During normal operation the Compass Mirror will continuously update the compass calibration to adjust for gradual changes in the vehicles magnetic "remnant" field. If the vehicle is subjected to high magnetic influences the compass may appear to indicate false headings become locked or appear that it is unable to be calibrated. If this occurs perform the calibration procedure.
^ If at any time the compass continually displays the incorrect direction or the reading is erratic or locked you need to verify the correct zone variance (see steps 1, 2 and 3 of the Compass Calibration Procedure).
Compass Troubleshooting Chart
Mirror Compass Calibration Procedure
The compass calibrates itself under normal driving conditions. However occasional circumstances may cause the compass to operate inaccurately. Example: Driving from rural (wide open) areas to crowded city areas or if an aftermarket (i.e. non original equipment) antenna with a magnetic base is attached to the vehicle. Calibrate the mirror compass if the display shows only one direction or a limited number of directions.
If your dealership uses "magnetic hats" for vehicle identification remove the hat from the vehicle before performing the following steps. Do NOT put the hat back on the vehicle after the procedure is completed.