Ignition System - Misfire DTC's/Ignition Coils Blistered
Classification: EC11-007Reference: ITB11-017
Date: March 1, 2011
2003-2008 FX35;
APPLIED VEHICLES: 2003 - 2008 FX35 (S50)
Cylinder Misfire DTC (P0300 through P0306) is stored in the ECM
One or more of the ignition coils is blistered (outer surface is deformed/melted)
The above conditions may also be accompanied by one or more of the following:
^ Hesitation on acceleration
^ Rough running engine (engine misfire)
^ Engine cranks but will not start
1. Replace the steering member mounting bolt on the RH side of the IP.
2. Clean engine harness grounds.
3. Replace both negative battery cables.
Make sure to replace the bolts for the battery cable ends. Do not clean and reuse.
4. Remove and inspect all 6 ignition coils for damage.
5. Erase DTCs test drive the vehicle.
The purpose of ACTIONS (above) is to give you a quick idea of the work you will be performing. You MUST closely follow the entire Service Procedure as it contains information that is essential to successfully completion this repair.
1. Write down the radio station presets.
2. Write down the customer settings for the Automatic A/C.
^ Temperature Setting trimmer
^ Foot Position Setting Trimmer
^ Inlet Port Memory Function.
Refer to section ATC in Service Manual as needed.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
4. Remove and inspect all 6 ignition coils for damage.
5. Remove the glove box.
^ Refer to section IP in the Service Manual for glove box removal information.
6. Replace the lower bolt at the RH steering member (support tube) mounting point (see Figure 1).
^ Locate the steering member RH mounting point.
^ Remove and discard the old lower mounting bolt.
^ Install a new lower mounting bolt.
^ New bolt is listed in the Parts Information (P/N 01456-00031).
^ The new bolt does not have a washer.
7. Reinstall the glove box in reverse order.
8. At the front of the engine locate and clean the engine harness grounds F11 and F51 (see Figures 2 and 3).
a. Remove the bolts.
b. Clean the bolts eyelets and engine surface.
c. Reinstall the bolts.
9. Replace the negative battery cable (battery to body).
^ New battery cable is listed in the Parts Information.
^ Make sure all cable mating surfaces are clean.
^ Use new bolts for the body end of the battery cable (see Figure 4).
^ New bolts are listed in the Parts Information (P/N 01456-00031).
10. Replace the negative battery cable (Body to Engine). See Figures 4, 5 and 6.
^ New battery cable is listed in the Parts Information.
^ Make sure all cable mating surfaces are clean.
^ Use new bolts at body side (E314) cable end.
^ New bolts are listed in the Parts Information (P/N 01456-00031).
11. Connect the negative battery cable to the battery.
12. Reset the clock and the radio station presets.
13. Reset the Automatic A/C settings.
14. Inform the customer they will need to reset their ADP (Auto Drive Position) settings.
15. Erase codes stored in the ECM.
16. Test drive the vehicle; make sure the engine operates normally and no codes are stored in the ECM.