Removal and Installation
Removal and InstallationREMOVAL
1. Remove tires from vehicle with power tool.
2. Remove cotter pin. Then remove lock nut from drive shaft.
3. Remove brake caliper with power tool. Hang it in a place where it will not interfere with work.
^ Avoid depressing brake pedal while brake caliper is removed.
4. Remove disc rotor.
5. Remove parking cable and parking shoe from back plate.
6. Remove wheel sensor from axle.
CAUTION: Do not pull on wheel sensor harness.
7. Separate drive shaft from wheel hub and bearing assembly by lightly tapping the end with a suitable hammer and wood block. If it is hard to separate, use a suitable puller.
8. Remove fixing bolts of wheel hub and bearing assembly with power tool, then remove wheel hub and bearing assembly from axle.
9. Remove parking brake cable and parking brake shoe from back plate.
10. Remove fixing nuts of anchor block with power tool, then remove anchor block and back plate from axle.
11. Loosen fixing bolts and nuts of front lower link, radius rod, and rear lower link in side of suspension member.
12. Set jack under rear lower link. Then remove fixing bolt in front lower link side of shock absorber with power tool.
13. Remove bolt and nut in axle side of rear lower link with power tool. Then remove coil spring.
14. Remove fixing bolts and nuts in axle side of front lower link, radius rod with power tool.
15. Remove suspension arm and cotter pin at axle, then loosen mounting nut.
16. Use a ball joint remover (suitable tool) to remove suspension arm from axle. Be careful not to damage ball joint boot.
CAUTION: Tighten temporarily mounting nut to prevent damage to threads and to prevent ball joint remover (suitable tool) from coming off.
17. Remove axle from vehicle.
Check for deformity, cracks and damage on each parts, replace if necessary.
Ball Joint Inspection
Check for boot breakage, axial looseness, and torque of suspension arm ball joint.
^ Install in the reverse order of removal.
NOTE: Refer to component parts location and do not reuse non-reusable parts.
^ Perform final tightening of installation position of suspension links (rubber bushing) under unladen conditions with tires on level ground. Check wheel alignment.
^ After adjusting wheel alignment, adjust neutral position of steering angle sensor.