Engine Oil: Service and Repair
^ Be careful not to get burn yourself, as engine oil may be hot.
^ Prolonged and repeated contact with used engine oil may cause skin cancer. Try to avoid direct skin contact with used engine oil. If skin contact is made, wash thoroughly with soap or hand cleaner as soon as possible.
1. Warm up the engine, and check for engine oil leakage from engine components. Refer to LU-6, "Inspection". Testing and Inspection
2. Stop the engine and wait for 10 minutes.
3. Loosen oil filler cap.
4. Remove undercover with power tool.
5. Remove drain plug and then drain engine oil.
1. Install drain plug with new washer.
Be sure to clean drain plug and install with new washer.
2WD models
Tightening torque: Refer to EM-43, "Exploded View (2WD)". Lower
AWD models
Tightening torque: Refer to EM-44, "Exploded View (AWD)". Lower
2. Refill with new engine oil.
Engine oil specification and viscosity: Refer to MA-34, "ENGINE OIL Periodical Maintenance Specification".
Engine oil capacity: Refer to LU-16, "Periodical Maintenance Specification". Capacity Specifications
^ When filling engine oil, never pull out oil level gauge.
^ The refill capacity depends on the engine oil temperature and drain time. Use these specifications for reference only.
^ Always use oil level gauge to determine the proper amount of engine oil in engine.
3. Warm up the engine and check area around drain plug and oil filter for engine oil leakage.
4. Stop the engine and wait for 10 minutes.
5. Check the engine oil level. Refer to LU-6, "Inspection". Testing and Inspection