Rear Suspension
DESCRIPTION^ Measure wheel alignment under unladen conditions, "Unladen conditions" means that fuel, engine coolant, and lubricant are full. Spare tire, jack, hand tools and mats in designated positions.
^ Check tires for improper air pressure and wear.
^ Check road wheels for runout.
^ Check wheel bearing axial end play.
^ Check ball joint axial end play of suspension arm.
^ Check shock absorber operation.
^ Check each mounting point of axle and suspension for looseness and deformation.
^ Check each link, arm and member for cracks, deformation, and other damage.
^ Check vehicle posture.
^ A four-wheel thrust alignment should be performed.
- This type of alignment is recommended for any NISSAN/INFINITI vehicle.
- The four-wheel "thrust" process helps ensure that the vehicle is properly aligned and the steering wheel is centered.
- The alignment rack itself should be capable of accepting any NISSAN/INFINITI vehicle.
- The rack should be checked to ensure that it is level.
^ Make sure the machine is properly calibrated.
- Your alignment equipment should be regularly calibrated in order to give correct information.
- Check with the manufacturer of your specific equipment for their recommended Service/Calibration Schedule.
IMPORTANT: Use only the alignment specifications listed in this Service Manual.
^ When displaying the alignment settings, many alignment machines use "indicators": (Green/red, plus or minus, Go/No Go). Do NOT use these indicators.
- The alignment specifications programmed into your machine that operate these indicators may not be correct.
- This may result in an ERROR.
^ Some newer alignment machines are equipped with an optional "Rolling Compensation" method to "compensate" the sensors (alignment targets or head units). DO NOT use this "Rolling Compensation" method.
- Use the "Jacking Compensation Method". After installing the alignment targets or head units, raise the vehicle and rotate the wheels 1/2 turn both ways.
- See Instructions in the alignment machine you're using for more information on this.
^ Measure camber of both right and left wheels with a suitable alignment gauge and adjust in accordance with the following procedures.
Standard value
Camber: Refer to RSU-18. Wheel Alignment (Unladen*)
If outside the standard value, adjust with adjusting bolt in front lower link.
NOTE: After adjusting camber, be sure to check toe in.
If toe-in is not within the specification, adjust with adjusting bolt in rear lower link.
CAUTION: Be sure to adjust equally on RH and LH side with adjusting bolt.
If toe-in is not still within the specification, inspect and replace any damaged or worn rear suspension parts.