Lack of Power, Sluggish
Engine delivers less than expected power, little or no increase in speed when accelerator pedal is pushed down part way.
Compare customer's car to similar unit. Make sure the customer's car has an actual problem. Was the customer's old car much more powerful? Is vehicle operator under heavily loaded condition?
Visual Check:
- Vacuum hoses for splits, kinks and proper connections, as shown on vacuum hose routing diagram label.
- Ignition wires for cracking, harness, and proper connections, at both the distributor cap and spark plugs.
- Wiring for proper connections, pinches and cuts.
Make sure hot air tube is connected to air cleaner.
Remove air cleaner and check air filters for dirt, or for being plugged. Replace as necessary.
Check for proper operation of TCA.
Check for full throttle valve opening in carburetor by depressing accelerator pedal to floor.
Check for proper operation of carburetor air valve (if equipped).
Check carburetor float level using external float gage.
Check ignition timing. See Emission Control Information Label.
Check transmission for proper downshift operation.
Check EGR operation.
Remove spark plugs. Check for cracks, wear, improper gap, burned electrodes, heavy deposits. Repair or replace as necessary.
Check for an exhaust system restriction.
- 1. With engine at normal operating temperature, connect a vacuum gage to any convenient vacuum port on intake manifold.
- 2. Run engine at 1000 RPM and record vacuum reading.
- 3. Increase RPM slowly to 2500 RPM. Note vacuum reading at steady 2500 RPM.
- 4. If vacuum at steady 2500 RPM is more than 3" lower than at 1000 RPM, exhaust system should be inspected for restrictions.
Check engine valve timing and compression.
Check engine for proper or worn camshaft.
Poor or contaminated fuel.