Engine: Service and Repair
1. Mark hood and hood hinges, then remove hood.2. Remove engine shield from underbody.
3. Disconnect Battery Ground cable.
4. Remove water drain plug from left side of engine, then open radiator drain cock and allow coolant to drain.
5. Disconnect radiator upper hose from radiator.
6. Disconnect lower radiator hose from engine.
7. Remove Radiator fan retaining nuts.
8. Remove radiator and cooling fan together.
9. Remove cooling fan drive belt and fan pulley.
10. Remove air conditioning compressor hoses, then cap open ends of hoses.
11. Remove air conditioning compressor and mounting bracket.
12. Disconnect power steering pump hoses, then remove pump and mounting bracket from engine.
13. Disconnect No. 1 spark plug wire from spark plug.
14. Remove distributor cap and wire, then ignition coil from engine.
15. Disconnect all electrical connections and vacuum lines from engine and mark for replacement.
16. Disconnect exhaust system from exhaust manifold.
17. Remove transmission to engine mounting bolts.
18. Remove transmission, refer to Transmission and Drivetrain/Automatic Transmission/Transaxle/Service and Repair.
19. Attach engine hoist or equivalent to both ends of engine lifting hangar.
20. Remove retaining bolts from front motor mounts.
21. Remove engine from vehicle.
22. Reverse procedure to install.