Engine: Service and Repair
1. Mark hood hinge to hood locations for installation, then remove engine hood.2. Disconnect battery cables and remove battery.
3. Remove five engine undercover retaining bolts, then the engine undercover.
4. Drain radiator coolant, then disconnect radiator upper and lower hose from radiator.
5. Remove engine drive belts, then the engine cooling fan and radiator together as an assembly.
6. Remove A/C compressor with bracket and hoses.
7. Remove power steering pump with bracket and hose.
8. Disconnect spark plug wires from spark plugs, then remove distributor cap and wires as an assembly.
9. Remove ignition coil with bracket.
10. Working from inside the passenger compartment, remove center console and front console.
11. On 4WD models, remove gear shift lever cover retaining bolts and screw.
12. Place gear select lever in 2H position.
13. Disconnect select lever joint and remove with gear shift lever cover and transfer gear shift lever.
14. Working from under the vehicle, remove transfer case undercover.
15. On 2WD models, remove gear shift lever.
16. On all models, disconnect speedometer cable and electrical connectors from transmission.
17. Disconnect oxygen sensor electrical connector.
18. Disconnect front exhaust pipe from manifold, then from catalytic converter.
19. Remove the 2nd propeller shaft flange yoke bolt at differential side.
20. On models equipped with automatic transmission, remove the 1st propeller shaft flange yoke bolt at the transmission side.
21. On 4WD models, remove front propeller shaft.
22. On all models, remove starter motor.
23. Support engine with engine hoist or equivalent, then transmission with transmission jack.
24. Remove the rear engine mounting nuts from the transmission mounting member.
25. Remove the rear engine mount bolts, then mounting from side members.
26. Remove catalytic converter mounting bracket.
27. Remove parking brake cable from cable bracket.
28. Remove transmission with transfer case, if equipped.
29. Remove engine from vehicle.
30. Reverse procedure to install.