Powertrain Management: Tools and Equipment
The system requires a Data Link Connector read-out "Scan Tool", Tachometer, Test Light, Ohmmeter, Digital Voltmeter with 10 megohms impedance (J-34029A), Vacuum Gauge and Jumper Wires for diagnosis. A Test Light or Voltmeter must be used when specified in the procedures. They must NOT be interchanged. For more complete information on the operation of these tools, see the manufacturer's instructions.
Digital Multimeter: J-39200 or equivalent
Vacuum Pump: J-23738
Unpowered Test Light: J-34142-A
MFI Test Kit: J-34730-B
Spark Tester: J-26792
Terminal Test Adapter Kit: J-35616
Engine Control Module Circuit Tester: J-34636
Terminal Remover: J-35689-A
IAC System Driver: J-37027-A
Weather Pack Terminal Remover: J-28742-A
Tech 1 Scan Tool: J-38770
Engine Control Module Connector Terminal Remover: J33095