Shift Cover
Note: The following "Steps" actually refer to parts in the figure above. Isuzu uses this figure and the "Steps" for disassembly and assembly.
1. Neutral switch and pin
2. Selector arm roll pin
- Remove the selector arm roll pin, using a 3/16 inch diameter pin punch and a hammer.
3. Shift shaft
- Remove the shift shaft from the other parts. Note the correct position of both the interlock plate and selector arm before you remove them from the cover.
4. 3-4 shift fork and fork pads (2)
5. Selector plate (2)
6. Selector arm
7. Interlock plate
8. 1-2 shift fork and fork pads (2)
9. Shift shaft bore plug
10. O-ring seal
11. Shift cover
11. Shift cover
9. Shift shaft bore plug
- If the shift shaft cup plug was removed, coat plug outer surface with sealer and install the plug into the cover until it is flush.
8. 1-2 shift fork and fork pads (2)
5. Selector plate
- Install the fork pads and selector plate onto the 1-2 shift forks.
3. Shift shaft
- Push the shift shaft into the cover until front of the shaft is at the cover's rear inside edge.
7. Interlock plate
6. Selector arm
- Place the 1-2 shift fork into the cover with its selector plate facing the front of the cover.
- Push the shift shaft through the 1-2 shift fork.
- Place the selector arm and interlock plate in the cover. Note the position of the interlock plate and selector arm.
- Push the shift shaft through the selector arm.
4. 3-4 shift fork and fork pads (2)
5. Selector plate
- Install the fork pads and selector plate onto the 3-4 shift fork.
- Place the 3-4 shift fork in the cover with its selector plate facing the rear of the cover. Note the position of the 3-4 and 1-2 selector plates.
- Push the shift through the 3-4 shift fork and into the front of the cover.
2. Selector arm roll pin
- Install the roll pin that holds the selector arm to the shift shaft.
10. O-ring seal
- Lubricate and install the O-ring on the rear of the shift cover.
1. Neutral switch and pin
Check the shift cover parts for proper assembly by doing the following:
- Insert a 3/16 inch diameter pin punch into the offset lever hole of the shift shaft.
- Hold the shift cover parallel to the floor and rotate the shift shaft so that the punch is vertical.
- Look at the selector arm: it should be aligned with the 3-4 shift fork select plate.