During the disassembly and reassembly of the following components, perform the following:
- Wash each part thoroughly and blow air through each oil passage and groove to eliminate blockage.
- Seal rings, roll pins and gaskets should be replaced with new parts.
- When assembling the components, apply DEXRON - II E Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) to each seal, rotating part and sliding part.
- Do not dip those parts having a facing, such as drive plate for clutch or brake, in the cleaner when washing it with solvent. Also, always wash it with new ATF two or three times after cleaning with solvent.
1. Torque converter (Fig. 7A-30)
- Drain fluid from torque converter.
- Attach holding fixture to the transmission and set it on holding
fixture base (Fig. 7A-31).
Holding fixture: J-8763-02
Fixture base: J-3289-20
NOTE: Do not overtighten the tool, as case damage may result.
2. 0-ring (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove 0-ring from turbine shaft.
3. Mode switch and transmission harness (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove two 1O mm screws, cover and mode switch.
- Remove transmission harness.
4. Adapter case oil pan (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove twelve 1O mm screws, adapter oil pan, and gasket.
- Remove oil filler tube.
5. Wiring harness (Fig. 7A-30)
- Disconnect electrical connections from solenoids. Pull on connectors only, not on wiring harness.
6. Adapter case valve body (Fig. 7A-30)
- Seven 13 mm screws, adapter case valve body assembly, transfer plate and two gaskets.
- Remove wiring harness and 5 pin connector.
7. Main case oil pan (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove sixteen 1O mm screws, main oil pan, magnet, and gasket.
8. Oil filter (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove three 13 mm screws, oil filter.
9. Manual detent (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove two13 mm screws, roller & spring and manual detent.
10. Wiring harness (Fig. 7A-30)
- Disconnect harness assembly from band apply solenoid, shift solenoids and main case 4 pin connector.
- Remove 4 pin connector.
11. Servo cover (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove four 13 mm screws, servo cover and gasket.
12. Main case valve body (Fig. 7A-30)
- Remove seven 13 mm valve body screws.
- Remove main valve body assembly with manual valve link and transfer plate.
NOTE: Note the position of link, with the long end into valve short end, into range selector lever.
- Remove gasket transfer plate from main case.
- Remove two check balls from main case.
13. Servo Piston (Fig. 7A-32)
- Turn transmission to vertical position to drain fluid. Return back to horizontal position when drained.
- Install servo piston spring compressor with offset to the rear of case.
- Compress servo piston assembly.
- Remove servo piston retaining ring.
- Slowly release servo piston assembly.
- Remove tool.
- Remove servo piston assembly, return spring, and servo apply rod. Servo piston spring compressor: J-23075
14. Speed sensor (Fig. 7A-33)
- Rotate transmission to horizontal position, pan side down.
- Remove one 1O mm screw, and speed sensor with "0" ring.
15. Extension housing (Fig. 7A-33)
- Remove seven 8 mm hexagon socket head screws, extension assembly, and gasket.
- Remove retaining ring.
NOTE: Use extra long nose pliers.
- Remove flange nut (4X2).
- Remove flange and 0-ring (4X2).
- Remove speed wheel.
Remove wheel parking lock (with seal ring).
16. Converter housing and oil pump assembly (Fig. 7A-34)
- Rotate transmission to vertical position, converter housing up.
- Loosen, but not remove, five 13 mm inner screws if oil pump disassembly required.
- Remove seven outer screws.
- Remove converter housing and oil pump assembly.
- Remove gasket.
- Remove selective thrust washer.
17. Fourth clutch retainer (Fig. 7A-35)
- Remove fourth clutch retainer.
18. Turbine shaft and clutch plates (Fig. 7A-35)
- Grasp turbine shaft and lift out the overrun clutch housing assembly and fourth clutch plates.
19. Thrust bearing assembly (Fig. 7A-35)
- Remove thrust bearing assembly.
20. Overdrive internal gear (Fig. 7A-35)
- Remove overdrive internal gear.
21. Thrust washer (Fig. 7A-35)
- Remove thrust washer.
22. Adapter case and center support assembly. (Fig. 7A-36)
- Remove adapter case and center support assembly (with fourth clutch piston).
- Remove seal ring.
- Remove selective thrust washer and two 0 - ring seals from main case.
23. Fourth clutch spring retainer (Fig. 7A-36)
- Compress the fourth clutch spring retainer and springs.
- Release snap ring from groove.
- Remove clutch compressor and snap ring.
- Remove retainer and spring assembly. Compressor: J-23327 and J-23327-90
24. Fourth clutch piston (Fig. 7A-36)
- Insert two converter housing/main case screws to hold adapter case while pulling out fourth clutch piston.
- Remove fourth clutch piston assembly.
- Remove converter housing/main case screws.
25. Second and third clutch assemblies (Fig. 7A-36)
- Grasp intermediate shaft, twist and pull out the second and third clutch drum assemblies with reverse clutch plates while holding onto output shaft.
- Separate second and third clutch assemblies.
- Remove thrust washer.
- Remove reverse clutch plates and reverse clutch pressure plate.
26. Planetary carrier assembly (Fig. 7A-36)
- Remove bearing and washer.
- Remove planetary carrier assembly.
- Remove thrust bearing.
27. Reaction sun gear (Fig. 7A-36)
- Remove reaction sun gear
- Remove needle bearing.
28. Brake drum
- Remove brake drum.
29. Brake band
- Remove brake band. Remove thrust bearing.
30. Parking lock and selector lever assembly (Fig. 7A-37)
- Rotate case to horizontal position, valve body side facing up.
- Remove spring pin, using cutting pliers.
NOTE: Insert wire in the center of the spring pin to prevent it from collapsing during removal. Be aware of pin height. Protect machined face of main case.
- Remove parking lock and range selector lever 17 mm nut.
- Remove parking lock and range selector lever and actuator assembly.
- Remove selector shaft.
NOTE: Inspect the shaft for burrs before removing to prevent damaging seal. If necessary, remove burrs by lightly sanding with an oilstone.