Cruise Control: Locations
Clutch Pedal Position And Cruise Control Shutoff Switch
On clutch pedal support bracket
Cruise Control Module
LH rear of engine compartment on cowl
I/P Fuse Block
LH side of instrument panel
Instrument Cluster
LH side of instrument panel
Powertrain Control Module
RH side of engine compartment
TCC Brake And Cruise Control Release Switch
On brake pedal support bracket
Vehicle Control Module (4.3L Engine)
RH side of engine compartment
C102 (15 cavities)
Engine harness to front of dash harness, LH rear of engine compartment above brake booster
C120 (15 cavities)
Engine harness to I/P extension harness, near Powertrain Control Module on RH side of engine compartment, 2.2L engine
C200 (23 cavities)
Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind RH side of instrument panel
C201 (23 cavities)
I/P harness to I/P extension harness, behind RH side of instrument panel
C203 (56 cavities)
Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind instrument panel, RH side
C211 (48 cavities)
Front of dash harness to steering column harness, on steering column
At cowl on LH rear of engine compartment
To the rear of and below the blower motor
C102 (2.2L Engine)
LH side of engine below exhaust manifold
C103 (4.3L Engine)
RH rear of engine, on head
C104 (4.3L Engine)
LH rear portion of cylinder head
LH rear of engine compartment to the left of the A/C compressor relay, 2.2L engine
LH rear engine, below crankshaft position sensor, 2.2L engine
LH side of engine below exhaust manifold, engine harness, 2.2L engine
S109 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 6 cm from breakout to starter and compressor relays
S109 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 7 cm to the right of C102, C103, and C104 breakout
S112 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 26 cm from generator harness breakout
I/P harness, 7 cm into the radio breakout
I/P harness, 7 cm into the radio breakout
Front of dash harness, 15 cm right of P100
S238 (2.2L Engine)
Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
S238 (4.3L Engine)
Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
Front of dash harness, 18 cm from TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch
Front of dash harness, 26 cm right of steering column breakout