TOOLS REQUIRED^ J-37221 Companion Flange Holder
^ J-37219 Lock Nut Wrench
^ J-39209 Punch
^ Or Equivalent
NOTE: To reassemble, follow the disassembly steps in the reverse order, noting the following points:
1. Transmission case.(43)
2. Intermediate plate with gear assembly.(42)
3. Transfer case assembly:(41)
a. Apply recommended liquid gasket or its equivalent to the transmission case, intermediate plate and transfer case fitting surfaces.
b. Install the intermediate plate with gear assembly to the transmission case.
c. Pull out the top gear shaft until the ball bearing snap ring groove protrudes from the transmission case front cover fitting face. Avoid subjecting the mainshaft to sudden shock or stress.
d. Tighten the seven transmission-transfer case bolts to the specified torque.
^ Torque 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.).
4. 1-2 and 3-4 indicator switch, pin and ball.(40)
5. Counter gear assembly.(39) Install the counter gear assembly to the transfer case.
6. Bearing snap ring.(38) Use a pair of snap ring pliers to install the snap ring to the transfer case.
NOTE: The snap ring must be fully inserted into the transfer case snap ring groove.
7. Front output gear assembly.(37)
8. Bearing snap ring.(36) Use a pair of snap ring pliers to install the snap ring to the transfer case.
NOTE: The snap ring must be fully inserted into the transfer case snap ring groove.
9. Plate.(35)
10. Ball.(34)
11. Bearing collar.(33)
12. Needle bearing.(32)
13. Transfer input gear.(31)
14. High-low clutch hub and sleeve.(30) The clutch hub face (with the heavy boss) must be facing the transfer input gear side.
15. Lock nut.(29) Install the front companion flange temporarily:
a. Use the flange holder and lock nut wrench to install the lock nut.
- Companion flange holder: J-37221.
- Lock nut wrench: J-37219.
^ Torque 137 Nm (101 ft. lbs.).
b. Use the punch to stake the lock nut at one spots.
16. Ball bearing.(28) Use a suitable drift and hammer to install the ball bearing.
17. Bearing snag ring.(27)
18. Shift block.(26)
19. Shift arm.(25)
20. High-low shift rod.(24)
21. Spring pin:(23)
a. Engage the High-Low sleeve with 4H side.
b. Install the spring pin to the shift block and shift arm.
22. Select rod assembly.(22)
23. Spring.(21)
24. Interlock pin:(20)
a. Engage the High-Low sleeve with 4H side and install the interlock pin (1) in proper direction
b. Install the shift rod: 2WD-4WD (2) with interlock pin pushed in.
25. 4WD indicator switch.(19)
^ Torque 39 Nm (29 ft. lbs.).
26. Shift block.(18)
27. Shift arm.(17)
28. 2WD-4WD shift rod.(16)
29. Spring.(15)
30. Spring pin.(14) Engage the 2WD-4WD sleeve with the 4WD side and install the spring pin.
31. Spring pin and bridge.(13)
32. Detent ball, spring and plug.(12) Tighten the plug to the specified torque.
^ Torque 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
33. Transfer rear case assembly:(11)
a. Apply recommended liquid gasket or its equivalent to the transfer rear case fitting faces.
b. Perform the following steps before fitting the transfer rear case.
^ Shift the High-Low shift to the 4H side.
^ Turn the select rod counterclockwise so that the select block projection (A may enter into the 2WD-4WD shift block.
^ The cut-away portion of select rod head (B) should align with the rear case hole's stopper (C).
c. Tighten the eleven transfer rear case bolts to the specified torque.
^ Torque 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.).
NOTE: Notes when tightening the bolt:
^ After cleaning the bolt hole, dry it thoroughly with air.
^ After cleaning the screw face of a removed bolt or new one, dry it thoroughly. Apply recommended liquid gasket or its equivalent before tightening it.
34. Gear control box assembly:(10)
a. Install a new packing.
b. Install the harness clips and brackets and then tighten four new gear control box bolts to the specified torque.
^ Torque 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).
35. Rear companion flange.(9)
36. Front companion flange:(8)
a. Install the rear and front companion flange.
b. Install the O-ring.
c. Use the flange holder to tighten the flange nuts to the transfer case.
- Flange holder: J-37221
d. Tighten new transfer flange nuts to the specified torque.
^ Rear companion flange 167 Nm (123 ft. lbs.).
^ Front companion flange 137 Nm (101 ft. lbs.).
e. Use the punch to stake the rear companion flange nut at two spots.
- Punch: J-39209
f. Stake the front companion flange nut at one spot.
NOTE: Be sure to confirm that there is no crack at the staked portion of the flange nut after staking.
37. Speedometer driven gear and Speedometer sensor:(7)
a. Install the O-ring to the speedometer driven gear bushing.
b. Install the driven gear to the speedometer driven gear bushing.
c. Install the speedometer driven gear assembly to the transfer rear cover.
d. Install the plate to the transfer rear cover.
^ Torque 15 Nm (11 ft. lbs.).
e. Install the speedometer sensor.
^ Torque 27 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
38. Snap ring; top gear bearing.(6)
39. Snap ring; counter front bearing:(5)
a. Use a pair of snap ring pliers to install the snap rings to the mainshaft and counter shaft.
b. The snap rings must be fully inserted into the bearing snap ring groove.
40. Front cover (with oil seal) Oil seal replacement:(4)
a. Remove the oil seal from the front cover. Apply engine oil to the oil seal outer circumference.
b. Apply recommended grease to the oil seal lip.
c. Use the oil seal installer to install the oil seal to the front cover.
- Oil seal installer: J-26540.
d. Install a new packing and front cover to the transmission case.
NOTE: Take care not to damage the oil seal. Notes when tightening the bolt:
^ After cleaning the bolt hole, dry it thoroughly with air.
^ After cleaning the screw face of a removed bolt or new one, dry it thoroughly. Apply recommended liquid gasket or its equivalent before tightening it. Tighten six new front cover bolts to the specified torque.
^ Torque 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
41. Fulcrum bridge:(3)
a. Install the fulcrum bridge to the transmission case.
b. Tighten three fulcrum bridge bolts to the specified torque.
^ Torque 38 Nm (28 ft. lbs.).
42. Shift fork:(2)
a. Apply grease to the pin hole inner circumferences and thrust surfaces.
b. Attach the shift fork to the fulcrum bridge by inserting the shift fork pin from the bottom side of the fulcrum bridge.
c. Install the washer and snap pin.
43. Release bearing:(1)
a. Apply grease to the areas shown.
b. Install the release bearing to the shift fork in the proper direction.
NOTE: Ensure release bearing is properly positioned during installation.