1. Remove the bearing caps and measure the oil clearance.2. Remove the main bearing caps in the sequence shown in the illustration.
^ Arrange the removed main bearing caps in the cylinder number order.
3. Remove the crankshaft. Remove the main bearings.
4. Clean the upper and lower bearings as well as the crankshaft main journal.
5. Check the bearings for damage or excessive wear.
^ The bearings must be replaced as a set if damage or excessive wear is discovered during inspection.
6. Set the upper bearings and the thrust washers to their original positions. Carefully install the crankshaft.
7. Set the lower bearings to the bearing cap original position.
8. Apply plastigage to the crankshaft journal unit as shown in the illustration.
NOTE: Do not set the plastigage on the oil hole.
9. Install main bearing caps, oil gallery and crank case bolts in the order shown, and tighten each bolt to torques specified.
^ Main bearing cap bolts: 39 Nm (29 ft. lbs.).
^ Oil gallery fixing bolts in two steps:
First to 29 Nm (22 ft. lbs.).
Then to 55-65° more.
^ Crank case side bolts to 39 Nm (29 ft. lbs.).
^ Do not apply engine oil to the crank case side bolts.
^ Do not allow the crankshaft to rotate.
10. Remove the main bearing caps in the sequence shown in the illustration.
11. Measure the plastigage width and determine the oil clearance. If the oil clearance exceeds the specified limit, replace the main bearings as a set and/or replace the crankshaft.
12. Clean the plastigage from the bearings and the crankshaft. Remove the crankshaft and the bearings.